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Relieving Stress with Acupuncture

October 12, 2020 Posted in: Wellness

In this year of uncertainty, an increasing number people are living with anxiety – many due to the stress from changes that have come with COVID-19. Stress is multilayered and is often accompanied by pain felt throughout the body. With changes in our normal work environment, anyone working or schooling from home is likely to feel the effects. The home computer isn’t always ergonomically friendly, causing neck, shoulder, forearm, wrist and back problems – not to mention the stress from not knowing what will happen next with jobs, schools or the economy.

Stress can result in many physical symptoms like headache or digestion problems. Sometimes stress and worry make the neck, shoulders and back tight, resulting in headaches or body pain that ultimately hinders a person’s ability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Other physical manifestations of stress and anxiety include migraines, Bell’s Palsy, TMJ, carpel tunnel, depression, panic attacks, constipation, pain and tightness everywhere, and unregulated menses.

One effective and minimally invasive option for addressing stress and anxiety is acupuncture, a practice that aims to correct imbalances of energy in the body. CHI Memorial Integrative Medicine Associates offers both medical and traditional Chinese acupuncture to treat a variety of health conditions and help people get and stay well.

How does it work?

The goal of acupuncture treatment is to activate the body’s Qi (pronounced "chee") to improve the body’s function and promote the natural self-healing process by stimulating specific anatomic sites, commonly referred to as acupoints. Acupuncture treatment begins by lying on a massage table either face up, face down, seated if hip problems are present or on the side if you’re pregnant.

A selection of acupuncture points are needled with whisker thin, sterile, stainless steel, one-use acupuncture needles to help create change or balance. The number of needles and how long they remain in place – from five to 45 minutes – depends on an individual’s needs. The first session typically lasts longer, and it’s where we discuss and review a person’s medical history and identify what benefits they hope to gain from acupuncture. In most cases, treatment is administered in this first meeting. Subsequent visits are up to one hour, where we touch base on how you’re doing before treatment begins.

Personalized care

Many people wonder how long the benefits of acupuncture ‘last,’ particularly related to their level of stress and anxiety. Because each person is different, the benefits, how long they last, and the number of treatments needed vary as well. Everything from a person’s medical history, age, diet, lifestyle, constitution or level of stress at the time of the session are factors that impact the longevity of each treatment.

My goal is to meet every person where they are at each session – finding ways to improve their quality of life by addressing stressors and offering tools to help live a calmer and more peaceful life.

COVID 19 precautions

CHI Memorial Integrative Medicine Associates follows strict protocols to keep patients safe, including masking, daily temperature checks, handwashing and sanitizing throughout the day. Social distancing is practiced at all times, and patients are screened for COVID symptoms over the phone before being escorted to a treatment room. Any person without a mask will be provided one. The acupuncture room is disinfected between each patient – including new linens and a thorough cleaning. After the session, checkout, payment and scheduling is available via telephone if preferred.

To schedule an acupuncture treatment with Liza at CHI Memorial Integrative Medicine Associates, please call (423) 643-2246.

Liza Mercado, MSOM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), L. Ac., is a national board-certified acupuncturist who holds diplomate in acupuncture status from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She is also has past experienced as a certified neuromuscular therapy instructor. Liza utilizes different styles of acupuncture including, but not limited to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Japanese, scalp, and auricular.

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