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  • Acute Respiratory Illness

    FEB 08, 2024 | Primary Care

    Respiratory illnesses, spanning from nasal to lung-related conditions, vary in severity and are caused by viruses, bacteria, or environmental factors. To minimize the risk of contracting or spreading these illnesses, it’s important to follow preventive measures.

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  • Breaking Down Aortic Valve Disease

    FEB 08, 2024 | Heart Health

    Aortic valve disease involves narrowing (stenosis) and leaking (regurgitation), straining the heart. Stenosis makes it work harder, and regurgitation can cause heart failure symptoms.

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  • Depression Symptoms and Treatments

    FEB 08, 2024 | Wellness

    As the winter months are underway, many may experience increased symptoms of depression as a result of the seasonal shift. However, it's crucial to understand that this widespread and serious mood disorder doesn't just stick to the seasons.

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  • Identifying Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

    FEB 08, 2024 | Primary Care

    The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck that produces hormones which play a pivotal role in regulating metabolism, body temperature, growth, and other bodily functions.

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  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

    JAN 17, 2024 | Heart Health

    Cardiovascular disease – sometimes referred to as CVD – is a term that encompasses various conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. To help us understand, let’s take a closer look at three terms: cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and coronary heart disease.

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  • Heart Disease in Women

    JAN 17, 2024 | Heart Health

    Heart disease encompasses a range of conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. This includes coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, and valvular heart diseases. In women, these conditions may manifest differently than in men, making awareness and education paramount.

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