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Patient Rights

Notice of Patient Rights

If you are a patient of CHI Memorial, you have the right to:

  • Know about your individual rights before you receive care and/or before discontinuing care.
  • File a grievance or complaint about your care, know about the process used to review and deal with the grievance or complaint, and receive a response from us about your grievance or complaint. Learn more about filing a grievance or complaint.
  • Have an active part in deciding your plan of care and how it is carried out.
  • Make informed decisions about your care or name a person who will make the decisions for you. This right includes being fully aware of your medical condition, being involved in planning your care and treatment, and being able to ask for or refuse treatment. This right does not include access to treatment or medical services that are not needed or are not medically right for you.
  • Have your concerns about the quality of care or an early release from the hospital reviewed in a timely manner, and request that your concerns be sent to the Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Process or to the Center for Health Care Quality if you are a Medicare patient.
  • Make Advance Directives and have facility staff and practitioners who provide care in the facility comply with these directives.
  • Have a family member or person of your choice and your physician notified right away when you are admitted to the hospital.
  • Have personal privacy.
  • Receive care that respects your emotional, spiritual and cultural needs, and have that care delivered in a safe setting.
  • Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
  • Be assured that your medical records are kept private.
  • Receive information from your medical records within a reasonable time.
  • Be free from restraints and seclusion of any form that are not medically necessary. These measures may not be used for coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.
  • Receive a copy and/or explanation of your hospital bill, regardless of who actually pays for your hospital stay.
  • Have free interpreter services and other language assistance.
  • Have your pain evaluated and managed appropriately.
  • Participate in (or have the person you choose participate in) the discussion of ethical issues that may arise about your care.
  • Know the name, position and duties of any person caring for you and be informed about the relationships between the hospital and any person or other facility involved in your care.
  • Be told about research procedures or treatment that may be considered as part of your care. You will be able to discuss this research with the physician involved in the research, and you may refuse the procedure if you wish.
  • Have information on how to receive continuing care after leaving the hospital and about any medical appointments you may have.

Patient Responsibilities

Health care is best when patients, their families or representatives all participate in the care. By fulfilling these responsibilities, you can contribute to the effectiveness of your care. Patients are responsible to:

  • Provide complete information regarding health problems that you have had and medications, vitamins and other supplements you may be taking.
  • Carefully follow the directions of the health care team. Ask your nurse or caregiver any questions that you have about your care needs, safety or other concerns.
  • Avoid behaviors that may be irritating or disruptive to others; abide by hospital rules and regulations.
  • Provide the hospital with copies of Advance Directives if you have them and if you want them to be followed in the event of terminal illness or if you are unable to speak for yourself.
  • Be prompt to pay hospital bills, to ask questions concerning the bill and to provide the information necessary for insurance processing.

Discrimination is Against the Law

CHI Memorial complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. CHI Memorial does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. 

CHI Memorial:

  • Provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as:
    • Qualified sign language interpreters 
    • Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats) 
  • Provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as: 
    • Qualified interpreters 
    • Information written in other languages 
  • If you need these services, please contact:
    • CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - call the House Administrator at (423) 595-4477
    • CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson - call the House Administrator at (423) 595-1440
    • CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - call the Emergency Department Charge Nurse at (706) 858-2161

If you believe that CHI Memorial has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with: Patient Safety Management, 2525 deSales Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37404, (423) 495-2772, [email protected]. You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email.  

You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at: 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
200 Independence Avenue, SW 
Room 509F, HHH Building 
Washington, D.C. 20201 
1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD) 

Complaint forms are available at

ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística.  Si necesita estos servicios, comuníquese con:  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga: Llame al administrador de la institución al (423) 595-4477  CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson: Llame al administrador de la institución al (423) 595-1440  CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia: Llame al personal de enfermería a cargo del Departamento de  emergencias al (706) 858-2161 




㟌ሪດຍCHI⣖ᛕ㓾㝔㻙ㄳ⮴㟁⾜ᨻᐊ (423)595-4477  

ᕼඞ᳃CHI⣖ᛕ㓾㝔㻙ㄳ⮴㟁⾜ᨻᐊ (423)595-1440  

ႛ἞வᕞCHI⣖ᛕ㓾㝔㻙ㄳ⮴㟁ᛴデᐊ୺⟶ㆤኈ (706)858-2161  



CHÚ Ý: NӃu nói TiӃng ViӋt, quý vӏ sӁ có dӏch vө hӛ trӧ ngôn ngӳ miӉn phí. NӃu cҫn dӏch vө này,  vui lòng liên hӋ:  

%Ӌnh viӋn Tín hӳu CHI - Chattanooga - gӑi cho Quҧn trӏ viên Nӝi bӝ theo sӕ (423) 595-4477  %Ӌnh viӋn Tín hӳu CHI - Hixson - gӑi cho Quҧn trӏ viên Nӝi bӝ theo sӕ (423) 595-1440  %Ӌnh viӋn Tín hӳu CHI - Georgia - gӑi cho Y tá Phө trách Phòng Cҩp cӭu theo  Vӕ (706) 858-2161 


㨰㢌: 䚐ạ㛨⪰GẠ㇠䚌⏈Gᷱ㟤Gⱨ⨀G㛬㛨G㫴㠄G㉐⽸㏘⪰G㢨㟝䚔G㍌G㢼㏩⏼␘. 㢨⤠䚐G㉐⽸㏘ᴴ 䙸㟈䚐Gᷱ㟤G␘㢀㡰⦐G㜤⢱䚌㐡㐐㝘.  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - (423) 595-4477⦐G䚌㟤㏘GḴ⫠㣄(House  Administrator)㜄᷀G㤸䞈䚌㐡㐐㝘.  

CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson - (423) 595-1440㡰⦐G䚌㟤㏘GḴ⫠㣄(House  Administrator)㜄᷀G㤸䞈䚌㐡㐐㝘.  

CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - (706) 858-2161ⶼ㡰⦐G㢅Ἵ㐘G␨␭Gᴸ䝬㇠(Emergency  Department Charge Nurse)㜄᷀G㤸䞈䚌㐡㐐㝘. 


ATENSYON: Kung nakapagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, may mga libreng tulong na  serbisyo sa wika na magagamit mo. Kung kailangan mo ang anuman sa mga  serbisyong ito, pakikontak ang:  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - tawagan ang House Administrator  sa (423) 595-4477  

CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson - tawagan ang House Administrator sa (423) 595-1440  CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - tawagan ang Emergency Department Charge  Nurse sa (706) 858-2161  



ȼɇɂɆȺɇɂȿ! ȿɫɥɢ ɜɵ ɝɨɜɨɪɢɬɟ ɩɨ ɪɭɫɫɤɢ, ɞɥɹ ɜɚɫ ɞɨɫɬɭɩɧɚ ɛɟɫɩɥɚɬɧɚɹ ɩɨɦɨɳɶ ɩɟɪɟɜɨɞɱɢɤɚ. ȿɫɥɢ ɜɚɦ ɬɪɟɛɭɸɬɫɹ ɷɬɢ ɭɫɥɭɝɢ, ɨɛɪɚɬɢɬɟɫɶ ɩɨ ɫɥɟɞɭɸɳɢɦ ɬɟɥɟɮɨɧɚɦ:  

Ȼɨɥɶɧɢɰɚ CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga – ɩɨɡɜɨɧɢɬɟ ɚɞɦɢɧɢɫɬɪɚɬɨɪɭ ɭɱɪɟɠɞɟɧɢɹ ɩɨ ɧɨɦɟɪɭ (423) 595-4477  

Ȼɨɥɶɧɢɰɚ CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson – ɩɨɡɜɨɧɢɬɟ ɚɞɦɢɧɢɫɬɪɚɬɨɪɭ ɭɱɪɟɠɞɟɧɢɹ ɩɨ ɧɨɦɟɪɭ (423) 595-1440  

Ȼɨɥɶɧɢɰɚ CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia – ɩɨɡɜɨɧɢɬɟ ɫɬɚɪɲɟɣ ɦɟɞɫɟɫɬɪɟ ɨɬɞɟɥɟɧɢɹ ɧɟɨɬɥɨɠɧɨɣ ɩɨɦɨɳɢ ɩɨ ɧɨɦɟɪɭ (706) 858-2161  


ϰΟέϳϓ ˬΕΎϣΩΧϟ΍ ϩΫϫ ϰϟ· ΝΎΗΣΗ Εϧϛ ΍Ϋ· .ϙϟ ΔΣΎΗϣ ΔϳϧΎΟϣϟ΍ ΔϳϭϐϠϟ΍ ΓΩϋΎγϣϟ΍ ΕΎϣΩΧ ϥ·Έϓ ˬϰΑέϋ ϡϠϛΗΗ Εϧϛ ΍Ϋ· :ϪΑΗϧ΍  :ϰϠϋ ϝΎλΗϻ΍ 

 (423) 595-4477 ϰϠϋ Γέ΍ΩϹΎΑ ϝλΗ΍ - ΎϐϧϭΗΎηΗ ϲϓ ϱέΎϛΫΗϟ΍ CHI ϰϔηΗγϣ 

(423) 595-1440 ϰϠϋ Γέ΍ΩϹΎΑ ϝλΗ΍ - ϥϭγϛϳϫ ϲϓ ϱέΎϛΫΗϟ΍ CHI ϰϔηΗγϣ 

(706)-858-2161 ϰϠϋ Ήέ΍ϭρϟ΍ ϡγϗ ϥϋ ϝϭ΅γϣϟ΍ νέϣϣϟΎΑ ϝλΗ΍ - ΎϳΟέϭΟ ϲϓ ϱέΎϛΫΗϟ΍ CHI ϰϔηΗγϣ 


ATANSYON: Si ou pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis asistans nan lang gratis ki disponib pou ou.  Si ou bezwen sèvis sa yo, tanpri kontakte:  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - rele Administratè Lopital la nan nimewo (423) 595-4477  CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - rele Administratè Lopital la nan nimewo (423) 595-1440  CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - rele Administratè Lopital la nan nimewo (706) 858-2161


ATTENTION: Si vous parlez français, des services d'assistance linguistique gratuits  sont à votre disposition. Si vous avez besoin de recourir à ces services, contactez:  CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga – appelez l'administrateur de l'établissement  au (423) 595-4477  

CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson – appelez l'administrateur de l'établissement  au (423) 595-1440  

CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia – appelez le Bureau des infirmiers responsables du  Service des urgences au (706) 858-2161 


ATENÇÃO: Caso o seu idioma nativo seja o português, encontram-se disponíveis  serviços de tradução e interpretação gratuitos. Caso necessite destes serviços,  contacte:  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - contacte o Administrador, em (423) 595-4477  CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson - contacte o Administrador, em (423) 595-1440  CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - contacte o Enfermeiro Responsável pelos Serviços  de Urgência, em (706) 858-2161  


ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlose Sprachdienste zur  Verfügung. Wenn Sie diese Dienste benötigen, wenden Sie sich an:  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - rufen Sie die Hausverwaltung unter (423) 595-4477 an  CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson - rufen Sie die Hausverwaltung unter (423) 595-1440 an  CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - rufen Sie die Oberschwester der Notfallabteilung  unter (706) 858- 2161 an  


ὀព䠖㻌᪥ᮏㄒ䜢ヰ䛥䜜䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸㻌↓ᩱ䛾ゝㄒᨭ᥼䝃䞊䝡䝇䜢䛤฼⏝䛔䛯䛰䛡䜎䛩䚹䛣 䜜䜙䛾䝃䞊䝡䝇䛜ᚲせ䛺ሙྜ䛿䚸௨ୗ䛻䛤㐃⤡䛟䛰䛥䛔䠖  

CHI 䝯䝰䝸䜰䝹⑓㝔㻌䠄䝔䝛䝅䞊ᕞ䝏䝱䝍䝚䞊䜺䠅- 䝝䜴䝇䜰䝗䝭䝙䝇䝖䝺䞊䝍䞊ᐄ䛻䛚㟁ヰ 䛟䛰䛥䛔䠖(423) 595-4477  

CHI 䝯䝰䝸䜰䝹⑓㝔㻌䠄䝔䝛䝅䞊ᕞ䝠䝑䜽䝇䝋䞁䠅- 䝝䜴䝇䜰䝗䝭䝙䝇䝖䝺䞊䝍䞊ᐄ䛻䛚㟁ヰ 䛟䛰䛥䛔䠖(423) 595-1440  

CHI 䝯䝰䝸䜰䝹⑓㝔㻌䠄䝆䝵䞊䝆䜰䠅- ᩆᛴእ᮶ᢸᙜ┳ㆤᖌᐄ䛻䛚㟁ヰ䛟䛰䛥䛔䠖 (706) 858-2161  


ϪΑ ίΎϳϧ έ̳΍ .Ωέ΍Ω έ΍έϗ Ύϣη αέΗγΩ έΩ ϥΎ̴ϳ΍έ ΕέϭλΑ ϥΎΑί ̶ϧΎΑϳΗη̡ ΕΎϣΩΧ ˬΩϳϧ̰ϳϣ ΕΑΣλ ̶γέΎϓ ϥΎΑί ϪΑ έ̳΍ :ϪΟϭΗ ˱ :Ωϳέϳ̴Α αΎϣΗ έϳί ί̯έϣ ΎΑ 

Ύϔρϟ ˬΩϳέ΍Ω ΕΎϣΩΧ ϥϳ΍ 

.Ωϳέϳ̴Α αΎϣΗ (423) 595-4477 ϥϔϠΗ ϩέΎϣη ϪΑ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΕϳέϳΩϣ ΎΑ - CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga  .Ωϳέϳ̴Α αΎϣΗ (423) 595-1440 ϥϔϠΗ ϩέΎϣη ϪΑ ̶ϠΧ΍Ω ΕϳέϳΩϣ ΎΑ - CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson  (706) 858-2161 ϥϔϠΗ ϩέΎϣη ϪΑ αϧ΍̫έϭ΍ εΧΑ έΩ ϝϭ΋γϣ έΎΗγέ̡ ΎΑ –CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia  .Ωϳέϳ̴Α αΎϣΗ 


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 Ȣf…]_ ˜ȯ˜Ȫǐš™› ¡Ȩǔ蔊› Ǒ¡È  “ - ĤǓç‹ȡ“ Ĥžȡ € €Ȫ (423) 595-1440 ”š €Ȩ› €šɅ  Ȣf…]_ ˜ȯ˜Ȫǐš™› \蔏ȡ› ‡Ȩǔ‡[™ȡ - ]”ȡ€ȡ›ȣ“ ͪ—ȡ‚ Ĥ—ȡšȣ “ [€Ȫ (706) 858-2161 ”š €Ȩ› €šɅ 

ƚ]hW 8Xs: Ks S\p ȤK^hSj Zs_s Js k , Ss S\Wp \YS [hch deh]Sh dpahB ;X_ƞV Jp. Ks S\Wp 8 dpahBWj KĮ^ es], Ss ȢmXh D^ŽWp d 5XD½  D^s:  

CHI \p\sˆ^]_ esŠƨXN_ IĂhȵ lFh - eh;d ?Pi\iWƨ˼°NWp (423) 595-4477 X^ Dr_ D^s CHI \p\sˆ^]_ esŠƨXN_ ˆeƈddW - eh;d ?Pi\iWƨ˼°N^Wp (423) 595-1440 X^ Dr_ D^s CHI \p\sˆ^]_ esŠƨXN_ Ԍ]s‰Ȓ]h - 9\Ȓƛdj PŽXhN½\pƛN IhȒ Wd½Wp (706) 858-2161 X^ Dr_ D^s 


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ħĦŌŒʼn ļŁŏħŏ ʼn ĺŒ: ĬŁœĭŁĮŌ Œ ĹŁ ĸŁĹ ʼnœ , ģŁĮįŗĸŃģŁĮōİijŁĺŁĴķōńĵĮŒ ĵŏńĻģœ įŀĭŁĮŒ.  ĬŁœĭŁĮŒ īļĦģŁĮ œ įŗĸŃģŁĮĮ, ńœ ģĿĸŇĮŁīŃĪīŒŗĻŁ:  

CHI Memorial Hospital Chattanooga - ŎĭĻŁĻļĦģŁĮ œ įŗĸŃĻŁĮŐĪĭœŒń (423) 595-4477  CHI Memorial Hospital Hixson - ŎĭĻŁĻļĦģŁĮ œ įŗĸŃĻŁĮŐĪĭœŒń (423) 595-1440  CHI Memorial Hospital Georgia - ŎĭĻŁijĿōĮģĺŇģŌĺĮijĿĩŁįŁĮ ń ĽįŀıňĨļįŐ œ ĪĭœŒń  (706) 858-2161